About Us
Company History
Harodite Industries is the specialist to turn to for the custom finishing, coating, laminating and cutting of woven and non-woven textiles.
Our President, Aaron Albert represents the fourth generation of ownership to lead Harodite. He is preceded by Michael Albert, the board chairman, his grandfather Robert Friedman and his great grandfather Nathan Friedman.
We are proud that in addition to the family history, our staff includes second, third and fourth generations as well. The dedication of our work force has always been the key to our success. They are responsible for maintaining our high standards of integrity, quality and continuous growth and change.
Our long-term commitment to research keeps us on the cutting edge of technology. We create solutions using the best ideas, materials, chemicals and processes. The most tangible measure of our success is the longevity of relationships with our many loyal customers. Some have been with us since the early 1940’s.
Our Corporate Philosophy can best be summed up in our quality policy
We are committed to providing the ideal SOLUTIONS, SERVICE and PRODUCTS in partnership with our internal and external customers and suppliers.
Established in 1910

Company locations
Harodite Industries, Inc.
66 South Street
Taunton, Massachusetts 02780
Telephone: 508-824-6961
Fax: 508-880-0696
Fax Customer Service: 508-821-3073
Harodite S.A. de C.V.
Gregorio Ruiz Velazco #203
Ciudad Industrial, C.P. 20290
Aguascalientes, Ags.,
Phone: 011-52-449-971-1917
Fax: 011-52-449-971-1918
Email: agomez@harodite.com
South Carolina Facility
Harodite Industries, Inc.
2 Henderson Court
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Telephone: 864-834-9066
Fax: 864-834-9089
El Salvador
Harodite S.A. de C.V.
Zona Franca Miramar
Km. 30.5 Carretera al Aeropuerto Internacional
Olocuilta, La Paz,
El Salvador
Phone: 011-503-2389-8989
Fax: 011-503-2389-8988
email: ebilbao@harodite.com
Warehouse and Distribution
Taunton, MA
Travelers Rest, SC
Olocuilta, El Salvador
Aguascalientes, Mexico
Trade Names
Edgelok ®
Top centers
Etacol ®
Shirt Interlinings
EZ-Crease ®
Collar Stands
Harocol ®
Shirt Interlinings
Harofit ®
Waistbands, undercollar, sew-in interlining
Haroform ®
Waistbands, wiggans and shoulder pads and sew-in interlinings
Haropress ®
Sew-in Shirt Interlinings
Haroshape ®
Wiggans, waistbands, tapes and sew-in interlinings
Harostretch ®
Non-woven with Deep Draw Mold capabilities
Staflex ®
Ladies and Men’s apparel interlinings